Why didn’t I choose to live in civilization like a regular person?

I have no idea why I (the person who finds walking 30 seconds from the car to the store a great inconvenience) thought I would be fine to live in the middle of nowhere surrounded by nothing but some mountains. Sans vehicle.

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I’m not Bear Grylls! I feel like one of those people who get so overwhelmed with modern life that they run away and live in a cabin in the woods and grow excessive facial hair, except I’m fine with modern life. Modern life is my favourite.

Well actually I do know why. I thought it would be a good way to save money for a few months. Modern life, turns out, is offensively expensive.

And I set myself a stupid saving goal, so now I have to continue to live in complete isolation until I’ve met my target. I might become unsocialised! What if I return to society unable to function, like a feral child who’s been bought up by wolves?! I barely manage as it is!

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Oh and did I mention that it’s more than 20 degrees below freezing? So anytime I have to leave my apartment I have to dress for an arctic expedition (which is anytime I want to eat or drink anything since I don’t live close enough to a grocery store to buy actual food to keep in the kitchen like a normal folk). It’s very cumbersome.

Anyway. What better time to start a blog than right before cabin fever sends me plummeting into the land of complete insanity?

Image result for plummeting into insanity gif

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